Just another $0.02. Use 'rpm -qa --qf "%{SIZE} %{NAME}\n" | sort -n' to sort
all packages by size, so you can see which packages can save you most size.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven W. Orr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tue, December 31, 2002 6:32 PM
> To: Peter Boy
> Cc: Redhat mailing list Psyche
> Subject: Re: /usr at 100%
> On 31 Dec 2002, Peter Boy wrote:
> =>Am Die, 2002-12-31 um 14.53 schrieb Steven W. Orr:
> =>> TOO MUCH INFORMATION! But I'll try anyway. Based on what 
> you've told us, 
> =>> the following command will fix your problem:
> =>> 
> =>> cd /usr; rm -rf *
> =>
> =>May be you are bothered by this question, but only a - 
> frankly spoken -
> =>complete idiot will post such an "advice" an a list meant to support
> =>other, wich may by more or less new to Linux and may not 
> recognize the
> =>consequences of such an "advice".
> =>
> =>Don't intend to hurt anyone
> =>Peter
> Ok. Let's see if I can redeem myself. 
> Run rpm -qa and closely examine the output to look for 
> packages that you 
> think you don't need. Try to delete them using rpm -e. If the removal 
> causes errors on packages that are dependancies then you need 
> to recurse 
> to see if you want to proceed. Actually, you should find a 
> *lot* of stuff 
> that you really don't need. If you use pine, do you really 
> need elm? And 
> mutt? Are you actually using ldap? Are you using postgres, 
> mysql, amanda, 
> joe, ruby, ...
> And the beauty is that if you delete them and then find you need them 
> again, just put them back.
> -- 
> -Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. 
> Stranger things have -
> -happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's 
> license say Organ
> -Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to 
> me! We are all-
> -individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question? 
> -- 
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> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list

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