On Tue, Dec 31, 2002 at 06:34:49AM -0700, Craig White wrote:
> my /usr partition is almost completely filled up and it's bothering me.
> Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda9              4569824   1032864   3304824  24% /
> /dev/hda1               132207     25532     99849  21% /boot
> /dev/hda6             10325748   8586104   1215124  88% /home
> /dev/hda7              3099260   3090492         0 100% /usr
> /dev/hda5             10325748    900456   8900772  10% /var
> none                    192624         0    192624   0% /dev/shm
> This machine was originally set up with 7.1, updated to 7.2, then 7.3
> and now 8.0
> partition is 3 GB and I have removed all unnecessary kernels but I would
> love to know if there are any other likely candidates for removal to
> create a little extra space in the event that I want to install any new
> stuff on this. I have this machine slated for reformat in the next 6
> months but I'd like to have some working space on this in the meantime.
> Craig
Something is wrong because I have RH 8.0 /usr on a 3 G partition and it 
fits. Did you try : du -s /usr and see what is taking up the space.
Aaron Konstam
Computer Science
Trinity University
715 Stadium Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

telephone: (210)-999-7484

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