--- Aaron Konstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Something is wrong because I have RH 8.0 /usr on a 3
> G partition and it 
> fits. Did you try : du -s /usr and see what is
> taking up the space.

Yes, but you don't have every single package installed
necessarily. So Craig may have other packages
installed that you do not. In a complete install of
every package, there are alot more than you think. I
always do a test install to see how much space is
necessary if some of my users needed to have every
package installed, and I make the partitions
accordingly, as drive space is fairly cheap. Here is
what one of my machine's partition layouts looks like:
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda3             433M  304M  107M  74% /
/dev/hda1              76M   21M   51M  30% /boot
/dev/hda6             2.4G  281M  2.0G  12% /home
none                  125M     0  124M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda15            1.1G   33M  993M   4% /tmp
/dev/hdc2              56G   24G   29G  45%
/dev/hda11            2.9G   33M  2.7G   2% /u01
/dev/hda14            2.4G   33M  2.2G   2% /u02
/dev/hda13            2.4G   33M  2.2G   2% /u03
/dev/hda12            2.4G   33M  2.2G   2% /u04
/dev/hda5             4.9G  3.5G  1.1G  75% /usr
/dev/hda7             988M   20M  918M   3% /usr/local
/dev/hda8             1.2G  414M  707M  37% /usr/src
/dev/hda9             741M  111M  592M  16% /var
/dev/hda10            594M   39M  525M   7% /var/www

So as you can see, had I only had it broken out to a
/usr, then it would have used approximately 4 GB of

Kevin C. McConnell --RHCE-- <Red Hat Certified Engineer>

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