ajTreece wrote:

I've got a Fujistu laptop loaded with RedHat v8 and everything (so far) is working as expected. One thing that is acting weird is getting a connection with my IMAP mail server. I connect to an internal server via a DSL / VPN connection. I have a Sparc Ultra10 that I use in this environment and connecting to my IMAP server via Netscape Messenger v7 works like a champ. I've pulled down Netscape Messenger v7 for linux, but when I try and connect fro RedHat I get connection refused by the IMAP server.

I know I can get to the server via linux because I can successfully connect via telnet server.domain 143
Is there something I'm missing or have set incorrectly from the linux side that will cause this problem?

Perhaps your Redhat client is trying to use secure IMAP at port 443, and the secure connection is not enabled?


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