I've got a Fujistu laptop loaded with RedHat v8 and everything (so far)
is working as expected. One thing that is acting weird is getting a
connection with my IMAP mail server. I connect to an internal server via
a DSL / VPN connection. I have a Sparc Ultra10 that I use in this
environment and connecting to my IMAP server via Netscape Messenger v7
works like a champ. I've pulled down Netscape Messenger v7 for linux,
but when I try and connect fro RedHat I get connection refused by the
IMAP server.
I know I can get to the server via linux because I can successfully
connect via telnet server.domain 143
Is there something I'm missing or have set incorrectly from the linux
side that will cause this problem?
Thanks, ajTreece
Psyche-list mailing list
- Re: IMAP issue with v8 ajTreece
- Re: IMAP issue with v8 Alan Peery