  X11 doesn't seem to want to work on our latest DELL GX260 with a
DELL Flat panel screen.

  The system has a Intel i845 card in it, which the OS sees fine, and works
well with a DELL 21" tube monitor (X and text).
  We've tried plugging in a DELL FP1702 (flat panel) monitor into the system
and running

        redhat-config-xfree86 --reconfig --noui --verbose  

  This created what appears to be the proper entries in XF86Config, but
X still crashes with server errors.

  I've tried trying just a new install (booting off of RH 8.0 CD) and even
choosing the 'text' install, but that yields a black output screen with 
the 'cannot display this video mode' message on the monitor (coming from
the monitor).

  Any ideas or working configs?


<><  ><> <><  ><> <><  ><> <><  ><> <><  ><> <><  

Ken Kleiner
System Manager
Computer Science Department
Umass Lowell

voice : 978 934 3645
fax : 978 934 3551

cell : 603 930 5582 (emergencies only, please)


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