On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 11:35:21AM -0600, Justin Georgeson wrote:
> I have build some custom RPMs from RH source packages (like postfix and 
> imap) and I label them by changed the revision number to my initials. So 
> I have postfix-1.1.7-jdg, or imap-2001a-jdg. (For those diligent readers 
> who notice the version numbers, I'm actually doing this on Valhalla, but 
> I figure this is a pretty generic question in terms of specific 
> releases). The problem is that up2date wants to upgrade these, and I 
> don't want it to. Without marking them as packages to skip (whould I do 
> that as *jdg?) how do I have my custom RPMs labeled in a manner that 
> up2date will not try to upgrade them?

I'd mark them as packages to be skipped.  A colleague here wrote a quick
tool to exclude all the ximian packages and update the exclude list
automatically - you could probably modify this to exlude your jdg
packages.  I've included it below since it's quite short.




# Fixed list of packages to exclude from up2date

[ -f $EXCL ] && rm -f $EXCL

echo -n "pkgSkipList=$LIST" > $EXCL

# Build a list of Ximian packages to exclude as well
rpm -qa | grep -- -ximian | sed -e 's/-[0-9].*//' | while read pkg
   echo -n "$pkg;" >> $EXCL
echo "" >> $EXCL

mv -f $CONF $CONF.old
grep -v "^pkgSkipList=" $CONF.old > $CONF
chmod 600 $CONF
cat $EXCL >> $CONF
rm -f $EXCL

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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