>I have build some custom RPMs from RH source packages (like postfix and 
>imap) and I label them by changed the revision number to my initials. So 
>I have postfix-1.1.7-jdg, or imap-2001a-jdg. (For those diligent readers 
>who notice the version numbers, I'm actually doing this on Valhalla, but 
>I figure this is a pretty generic question in terms of specific 
>releases). The problem is that up2date wants to upgrade these, and I 
>don't want it to. Without marking them as packages to skip (whould I do 
>that as *jdg?) how do I have my custom RPMs labeled in a manner that 
>up2date will not try to upgrade them?

This is actually pretty easy to fix.  Either enter them in the exceptions list, or 
rename your RPMs to include both the version and your initials.  Mandrake adds MDK to 
their RPMS... ie... 1-2.3MDK-i586...  You might try that.


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