I have build some custom RPMs from RH source packages (like postfix and imap) and I label them by changed the revision number to my initials. So I have postfix-1.1.7-jdg, or imap-2001a-jdg. (For those diligent readers who notice the version numbers, I'm actually doing this on Valhalla, but I figure this is a pretty generic question in terms of specific releases). The problem is that up2date wants to upgrade these, and I don't want it to. Without marking them as packages to skip (whould I do that as *jdg?) how do I have my custom RPMs labeled in a manner that up2date will not try to upgrade them?

; Justin Georgeson
; http://www.lopht.net
; mailto:jgeorgeson@;lopht.net
; "Free the mallocs, delete the news"

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