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On Sunday 10 November 2002 09:45 am, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> On 7 Nov 2002, Atlantic Tech Solutions wrote:

> >Now that the backend is fixed... a good font manager like Adobe
> >Type Manager is most definitely needed.  I'd do it my self if I
> >could code...
> That type of application is something that the open source
> community will likely have to develop IMHO.  If something nice
> gets developed and there is a large enough user demand for it,
> I'm sure we'd include it likely though.

Strictly in the FWIW department...
Bitstream's Font Navigator (v 2.0) runs without difficulty under wine.

Explanation as to why I would bother with this...
Several years ago, I bought Corel Gallery Magic, a Windows app. It 
occurred to me that it came with Font Navigator and about 1100 fonts (and 
has been sitting unused since I bought it.). I thought it would be 
interesting to install a few fonts, but had no way to see what they 
looked like. I can now use Font Navigator to look through the previews, 
and select a few. I assume I could even make them available to wine via 
Font Navigator. However, I am only using it to decide which fonts to 
install in /usr/share/fonts

- -- 
- -Michael

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