So since I've received a submission, there is now a single-question FAQ, just to get us all started.
Once I get more time (this weekend) I'll add some myself. In the meantime, whoever wants to can email their own submissions. You can see the FAQ by going to and clicking on the 'FAQs' link on the left. You don't have to be a member or anything. If you get errors relating to anything like that, lemme know. brian (aka 'njcajun'). On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 12:35, M A Young wrote: > On 8 Nov 2002, Brian K. Jones wrote: > > > I'd be willing to come up with an FAQ based on some of my own > > experiences along with the contributions from others. I can post it > > here or on - I'm the webmaster there, and > > there's a section called 'Labs' where I put my notes and other stuff I > > think others might find useful. > > > > I'd be happy to host an FAQ there if people are willing to contribute in > > the form of emails to me or something containing a question AND and > > answer. > > I agree a FAQ would be a good idea. I am aware of answering questions > several times on the list. But if you want to try maintaining a FAQ, I > suggest you announce it with a more appropriate subject. > > To get you started, a frequent question that comes to mind; > > Q. What happened to rhn_register? An error told me to run it and I can't > find it. > > A. In 8.0 the functionality of rhn_register was incorporated into the > up2date package. Try running up2date, and if you still get errors, try > up2date --register . > > Michael Young > > > > -- > Psyche-list mailing list > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > -- Brian K. Jones System Administrator Dept. of Computer Science, Princeton University [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice: (609) 258-6080