Mike A. Harris wrote:

On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Thomas Dodd wrote:

Where do the other fomats go? I use several apps on non-Linux systems (the X remote display is great) that don't use Xft or TTF.

In ~/.fonts or the other listed dirs. Don't make it more complicated than it is. It isn't complicated.

Just checking :) I'm used to it being harder than that:)

2) "service xfs reload"
3) Restart any applications that you want the fonts to show up in.

Does all of this work for fontservers? As mentioned above for remote work, I have fonts from HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux on one server, used by all three system types.

xfs *is* a fontserver. "service xfs reload" tells it to reload it's config file and rescan font dirs.

I mean, if the fonts are on machine Y, a Psyche box, and I want machine X to get fonts from it,
will GNOME2 like this or does it need local fonts?
Will I loose AA support? Hinting?

Will a Psyche box get fonts from an HP-UX or Solaris fontserver or will GNOME2 dislike that?

Steps 2 and 3 can be replaced by a "reboot". I'm not sure how much simpler it can get than that. Why on earth would one need some GUI "font configuration tool"? Does Windows need such a tool? Does Macintosh? Does any sane OS? No, not really. And
Yes it does . Tools like Bitstream's "Font Navigator" or Adobe's
"Font Manager" that allow you to add/remove fonts. Windoze also
has a limit on how many font you can use.

Oh, do those applications come with Windows? I didn't realize
that. What is the name of the .exe file for those apps, I'd like
to have a look at what the competition is shipping in their OS

M$ doesn't ship one. That one of the problems. The lack of a good font configuration tool
is probably holding back Linux in DTP. I sure doesn't help.

Well, that is because the more fonts you have, the more information there is to parse, and so yes, the system will slow down. Windows limits the number of fonts I believe.

Does linux place any realistic limits on the number of available fonts?
(2^32 is an un relastic limit to reach. 2^16 is probably unlikely to be hit as well)


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