On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 12:30:21PM -0500, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> On 29 Oct 2002, Alejandro González Hernández - Imoq wrote:
> > Hello.
> > 
> > I would like to unload ipchains and load iptables. I can run "setup",
> > then unselect "ipchains" and select "iptables" and when I reboot, I get
> > iptables working. What I need right now is to unload ipchains and load
> > iptables without rebooting.
> > 
> > So far, I know that I can do "service ipchains stop" but then I don't
> > know which ipchains modules unload (or how to do that, rmmod? insmod?
> > modprobe?) and which iptables modules load so I can finally do "service
> > iptables start".
> as part of a tutorial i'm writing on iptables, here's what i've listed --
> feedback is appreciated.
> to switch from ipchains to iptables:
>   # chkconfig --level 0123456 ipchains off    (turn off auto start)
>   # service ipchains stop                     (stop ipchains)
>   # rmmod ipchains                            (unload the module)
>   # rpm -e ipchains                           (if you're SURE :-)
>   # insmod ip_tables                          (insmod or modprobe?)
>   # chkconfig iptables on                     (auto start)
>   # service iptables start                    (fire it up)
>   # iptables -L                                       (verify with listing)
> comments?

Just one comment: under no circumstances should a user take down one
firewall and put another in place until the user is familiar with the
replacement firewall rules. This may require some study, but a firewall
is such a critical line of defence that IMHO it behooves the user to
bone up on it.

Jack Bowling

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