From: "Robert P. J. Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > # chkconfig --level 0123456 ipchains off (turn off auto start) > # service ipchains stop (stop ipchains) > # rmmod ipchains (unload the module) > # rpm -e ipchains (if you're SURE :-) > > # insmod ip_tables (insmod or modprobe?) > # chkconfig iptables on (auto start) > # service iptables start (fire it up) > # iptables -L (verify with listing) > > comments?
More than is needed. But your "rmmod ipchains" is needed. I forgot that this was not done by "/etc/rc.d/init.d/ipchains stop". It should be. So: A: for current boot: service ipchains stop # stop IPChains now. rmmod ipchains # clear it out of memory service iptables start # start IPTables now. B: for future boots chkconfig ipchains off # select the "off" set if rcN.d entries automatically chkconfig iptables on # select the "on" set if rcN.d entries automatically A and B can be done in either order. {^_^}