On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 01:17:58PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Yes, it was the same article...i'll try a rebuild of the free type srpm 
> and let you know what happens :)

Binary rpms:


It is just a one line change to turn on the bytecode interpreter. It
requires restarting X is what I gather from the article. You'll have
to use --force since I didn't think to bump the release number as I
was just diddling at the time.

  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****    T R U E T Y P E   D R I V E R    C O N F I G U R A T I O N   ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/

  /*                                                                       */
  /* Define TT_CONFIG_OPTION_BYTECODE_INTERPRETER if you want to compile   */
  /* a bytecode interpreter in the TrueType driver.  Note that there are   */
  /* important patent issues related to the use of the interpreter.        */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* By undefining this, you will only compile the code necessary to load  */
  /* TrueType glyphs without hinting.                                      */
  /*                                                                       */

Hal Burgiss

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