Havoc, Mike, Owen Than any comments on this?
Thanks for the replies, but your all telling me how to accomplish this
under Gnome...I'm running KDE and need to figure out how to enable it
under KDE...thanks!
Did you try it?
gnome-font-properties is just a GUI. It adjusts the gconf keys
desktop/gnome/fontrendering/hinting, antialiasing, rgba_order,
and dpi.
I though Red Hat had merged some of the gconf
settings into KDE.
Doesn't kde now use Xft2 and fontconfig?
There's an entry in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf that
is labeled "enable sub-bixel rendering" that
appears to be commented out. That might turn it on.
Not sure what the correct values would be. probably the
same as in gconf.
Changing the "rgb" in <const>rgb</const> part,
to rgd, bgr, vrgb, or vbgr to select the type,
and uncommenting the <match>... </match> section
might work.