On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 23:21, Earle Hartle wrote:
> I've got a linksys card based on the Prism 2.5 and haven't seen a problem with it 
>under 8.0.  I loaded the drivers from the 0.1.16-pre1 tarball.  Also I upgraded the 
>firmware on my card using the firmware package on the linksys site (requires windows 
>of course).
> Earle Hartle

Two questions if you don't mind :)

- is that the Wireless-NG driver?
- does it apply cleanly to the RH kernel source, or do you need a stock
kernel (which version too). I should miss certain Red Hat patches (low
latency, increased timing ticks, O(1) schedulers) but if it means I can
run it stably with both CPUs, I'd be a happy camper...

Thanks Earle,

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Michèl Alexandre Salim
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