On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 04:32, Earle Hartle wrote:
> Hmmm... Well, it is the wireless-ng driver. Kernel 2.4.18-14.  It's all stock RH 
>stuff straight from up2date.  Those patches sound pretty interesting...  I'm still on 
>the bottom end of the learning curve with linux, though.
> Hth
> Earle

It *does* help :) Thanks a lot - somehow I was under the impression that
wireless-ng was already shipping with the Red Hat kernel (the website
looked so old I assumed wrongly, it seems). Seems much more stable so
far - I did lock up my machine in SMP mode but traced it to Alsa's
sequencer - the last two entries in the system log.

Time to try and download biggish stuff. Oh dear, downloaded Java
already. Movie trailers will have to do :p

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Michèl Alexandre Salim
Web:            http://salimma.freeshell.org
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