On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 08:28, Robert Claeson wrote:
> I have an IBM Thinkpad T23 with Prism 2.5-based WLAN card in one PCMCIA
> slot. It worked without problems with Red Hat Linux 7.2, but now with
> Psyche I'm seeing intermittent errors. The following is logged by the
> kernel:
> eth1: Error -110 writing Tx descriptor to BAP
> The messsage is repeated between 15000 and 20000 times. I can usually
> run the system between 30 minutes and 3 hours at a time, after which the
> error occurs. When that happens, rebooting doesn't help. The only thing
> that helps is a complete shutdown, followed by a power cycle and a
> startup. Has anybody seen this? Is there a known fix? And what's a BAP?

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Michèl Alexandre Salim
Web:            http://salimma.freeshell.org
GPG/PGP key:    http://salimma.freeshell.org/files/crypto/publickey.asc
I have the desktop version of that card and I get exactly the same error
message - I find that it is related to the stress load of the network
card - try using up the bandwith (copying a large file across the local
WLAN for example) and see your card locking up!

Does CPU utilisation shoot up to 100% until you turn off the networking
interface too?

Hmm, now that you mention there is no problem with RH 7.2, I am rather
tempted to load an old kernel and see how it goes.. then again since my
card is the PCI version (orinoco_pci) I might get bitten by another

Already bugzilla'ed (for the desktop version),

I find that the problem is really bad with the SMP kernel, which does
not apply to you (SMP notebooks, mama...). You might want to add
comments to that.

Dunno what a BAP is..


Michèl Alexandre Salim
Web:            http://salimma.freeshell.org
GPG/PGP key:    http://salimma.freeshell.org/files/crypto/publickey.asc

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