On 12 Oct 2002 03:23:04 -0400, Chris Kloiber wrote:

> Well, the permissions were not wrong. They are supposed to be
> crw-------    1 ckloiber root      14,   3 Aug 30 19:31 /dev/dsp
> As you can see, magic happens in the background to cause the first
> user to log in at the local console own the device. When that user log
> off completely, the next user to log in locally after the first user
> leaves gets ownership. This prevents remotely logged in users (your
> friends?) from cranking the volume of your cable-modem connected
> system located in your spare bedroom and playing METALLICA (*.mp3
> bad!) at 3:22am and waking up your "significant other" and/or your
> infant children. (with friends like that, you need no enemies)

Or they would be eavesdropping on you.

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