On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 21:14, Erwin J. Prinz wrote:
> Stephen:
> The permissions for /dev/dsp are set wrong. You need to change them (as 
> root) to "crw-rw-rw-" with the command
> chmod 666 /dev/dsp
> This fixed it for my, ymmv.

Well, the permissions were not wrong. They are supposed to be

crw-------    1 ckloiber root      14,   3 Aug 30 19:31 /dev/dsp

As you can see, magic happens in the background to cause the first user
to log in at the local console own the device. When that user log off
completely, the next user to log in locally after the first user leaves
gets ownership. This prevents remotely logged in users (your friends?)
from cranking the volume of your cable-modem connected system located in
your spare bedroom and playing METALLICA (*.mp3 bad!) at 3:22am and
waking up your "significant other" and/or your infant children. (with
friends like that, you need no enemies)

Chris Kloiber

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