At 12:10 PM 10/7/2002 -0400, you wrote:
I have very little faith in the redhat-config-* tools based on past
experience. I run virtual domains myself, using httpd (better known as
'Apache'), and manually edit httpd.conf after consulting the O'Reilly book
on Apache and the Apache Software Foundation web site. Also I skim though
the release notes.
But in general -- don't expect a redhat-config-* tool to work in every
case, for every nuance of a situation. The tool will simply disappoint.
I generally concur, but it seemed to me that in this case it wouldn't
even work for a very simple situation, one I in fact had working using the
tool on RH 7.3.
You are better off working with your favorite text editor (such as
emacs), the config file in question, and documentation on what to change
in that file and how to restart the target server.
I plan to look a little further into why the tool was not working the way I
expected when I get the time, but am content for now knowing that I have a
manually edited conf file that works.
Hopefully in a few years the tools will be better tested, more
sophisticated, and can be relied on.
I would hope that it doesn't take that long.