As far as I can tell, the GUI applet generates a brand new config each
time you run it.  And even in the docs for the applet it says it mostly
based on being used for newcomers to webservers/apache.   If you know
your way around the httpd.conf reasonably well I'd forego the applet.
Unless maybe use it to get a basic vanilla setup then edit by hand after

Also you may want to take a look at the Webmin ( app for
editing your config.  It atleast parses your current file and then
writes the changes you made back.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:psyche-list-admin@;]
On Behalf Of Basil L. Copeland Jr.
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: Apache Virtual Hosting Frustrations

      I'm back.  The following proved very helpful:

At 02:01 PM 10/6/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>A stab in the dark:
># Disable autoindex for the root directory, and present a
># default Welcome page if no other index page is present.
><LocationMatch "^/$>
>     Options -Indexes
>     ErrorDocument 403 /error/noindex.html
>This section of configuration may explain your problem.
>If there is no index.html in your virtual-host, then an index won't be
>displayed, or a forbidden page: instead you receive
>"/error/noindex.html" which is the welcome you've got Apache set up
>I disabled this feature by removing the config- as it was more of
>annoyance than help.

      By removing this I was able to see what was happening.  But it
to some new questions.  I was trying to use the RH apache configuration
tool.  Does anyone actually use this tool for serious work?  It doesn't 
seem to implement control over all apache directives.  But if one
edits the httpd.conf file created by this tool, those edits are lost
the tool is used.  Not very nice.  The above change, to remove the
directive, is a case in point.  Using the RH GUI tool puts it back.

      The problem with my virtual hosts not loading was attributable to
GUI tool not putting a DirectoryIndex directive in my virtual host 
container.  I think there is supposed to be a global default for this,
it wasn't correctly specified in the RH modded httpd.conf.  All in all,
cannot say I am very impressed with the utility of the RH gui tool so 
far.  Too bad, since I'm just the kind of person this type of tool is 
presumably designed for: a windows sysadmin looking to use linux on his 

      One last question, should anybody know.  There must be a "shadow" 
copy of the httpd.conf maintained by the RH gui tool somewhere that is
whenever the RH gui tool is loaded.  Anybody know where/what it is?  I'm

wondering if it wouldn't be possible to manually edit that one and have
edits preserved?


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