Well i trying to install Mplayer but i need some dependecies:
libsarts.so.0 and libdv.so.2

and for libsarts i need the libasound.so.1 and 2 more but i can't find
the libasound :-(

Thanks in advance
Alejandro Matos
Perumanta Austriapi
...tupac manchis kama...
Linux registered user: 287900

El sáb, 05-10-2002 a las 14:48, Mark C escupió:
    On Sat, 2002-10-05 at 13:09, Alejandro Matos wrote:
    > Hi people, I'm looking for this package but i can't find it
    > (google of course...) i just find "alsa-0.5.10-77.i386" and if i
    > it "arts" still needs the libasound. Does anyone know where can i
    > download it? i have allready searched in rpmsearch.net and
    Thats from alsa-libs.
    download alsa from http://freshrpms.net
    but that only gives you:
    So if you really need this, try symlinking it to:
    may work, or may not, I presume you are trying to compile something?

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