A basic stat's question and a specific PSPP query, please. Any help gratefully received. I can't see this in the archives anywhere (searching for 'categorical' and 'dummy').
For a linear regression, some variables are categorical and so included using dummy coding (Coding Systems for Categorical Variables in Regression Analysis (ucla.edu) <https://stats.oarc.ucla.edu/spss/faq/coding-systems-for-categorical-variabl es-in-regression-analysis-2/#:~:text=Categorical%20variables%20require%20spe cial%20attention,entered%20into%20the%20regression%20model.> ). basic stat's question: This results in a zero coefficient and zero standard error for some variables, as shown in the example below. Is this correct? There is little or no linear relationship to be found? specific PSPP query: if there is little relationship/the coefficient is very small, is there a way to tell PSPP to show the very small value instead of zero? Thanks in advance Table: Model Summary (adjRA1SR1) R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 0.55723 0.310505 0.302797 0.8359 Table: ANOVA (adjRA1SR1) Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 619.25791 22 28.148087 40.284698 0 Residual 1375.0987 1968 0.698729 Total 1994.3566 1990 Table: Coefficients (adjRA1SR1) Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. 95% Confidence Interval for B B Std. Error Beta Lower Bound Upper Bound (Constant) 8.163407 0.310014 0 26.332394 0 7.555417 8.771397 lnSTINC -0.036745 0.011677 -0.088107 -3.146888 0.002 -0.059645 -0.013845 RA1PKHSIZ -0.011834 0.016218 -0.020561 -0.729708 0.466 -0.043639 0.019971 RA1PRAGE -0.039326 0.011175 -0.550388 -3.519082 0 -0.061242 -0.01741 sqPRAGE 0.000464 0.000109 0.666977 4.258349 0 0.00025 0.000678 RA1PRSEX 0.13709 0.03935 0.068446 3.483888 0.001 0.059918 0.214261 RA1PB19_1 0 0 0 NaN NaN 0 0 RA1PB19_2 -0.485628 0.170694 -0.054029 -2.845015 0.004 -0.820389 -0.150867 RA1PB19_3 -0.324574 0.058981 -0.109094 -5.503011 0 -0.440246 -0.208902 RA1PB19_4 -0.333625 0.089807 -0.074169 -3.714896 0 -0.509752 -0.157497 RA1PB1 -0.002888 0.008407 -0.007002 -0.343559 0.731 -0.019376 0.0136 RA1SG17A_1 0 0 0 NaN NaN 0 0 RA1SG17A_2 -0.061221 0.053837 -0.021822 -1.137147 0.256 -0.166804 0.044363 RA1PA1 -0.15082 0.022182 -0.160102 -6.7991 0 -0.194324 -0.107317 RA1PA2 -0.248882 0.024367 -0.243609 -10.214077 0 -0.29667 -0.201095 RA1SC1 -0.328042 0.073134 -0.08782 -4.485512 0 -0.471469 -0.184614 RA1PF3bin 0.003064 0.041159 0.001422 0.074435 0.941 -0.077655 0.083783 RA1PF7A_2 0.009538 0.086914 0.002111 0.109735 0.913 -0.160917 0.179992 RA1PF7A_3 0.14177 0.166844 0.016081 0.849712 0.396 -0.18544 0.468979 RA1PF7A_4 -0.104009 0.155971 -0.01266 -0.666848 0.505 -0.409894 0.201877 RA1PF7A_5 0.173309 0.59246 0.005486 0.292525 0.77 -0.988606 1.335224 RA1PF7A_6 0.064264 0.080864 0.01504 0.794712 0.427 -0.094325 0.222853 RA1PG2 -0.350528 0.030049 -0.233421 -11.66509 0 -0.40946 -0.291597