I think this is the same bug that I fixed some time ago. I don't see
any problem when I run your program with the latest version of PSPP.

I guess that you are probably using Windows. I don't think anyone has
published a fixed version of PSPP for Windows. Maybe John Darrington
has one, since he has recently been posting some scripts for building
PSPP for Windows.

I personally find the idea of using Excel (or another spreadsheet) as
a text editor very odd, although I did not have any trouble extracting
the text content.

On Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 11:07 AM Ricardo Mejias
<ricardomej...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I have encountered a situation on my code where running it crashes the PSPP 
> program.  This code used to work and I have not made any changes to it since 
> I last ran it. I only modified three numbers of the txt input file before the 
> run that crashed.
> The code and the explanation of what is happening are in the attached Excel 
> file.  The data set input is in the attached pdf file.
> What can be done to correct this problem?

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