When running a logistic regression, I found that, under certain situations I 
get NaN symbols where most of the output numbers usually appear.

The situation occurs when the independent variable Party20210112Npa is used 
with 13 other variables.

It does not occur when used by itself or with a smaller number of the same 
other variables.

The problem never happens when I am not using the variable Party20210112Npa

A Description report does not show any missing values of any fields in this 

I suspect that this is a problem caused by the iteration process. I know that 
iterative solutions sometimes “get stuck” and cannot provide an answer.

Do you agree that this is an iteration problem and if, so do you have any 
suggestions regarding how to avoid it?

I can’t send you the data set over email due to its size. However, I am not 
looking for an actual solution to this problem from you, just for a general 
suggestion regarding how to avoid this kind of problem.

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