There's some code in src/output/cairo-fsm.c that must be the culprit,
but I still can't reproduce it,
even when I force this code to always execute by changing the if (...)
to if (true) :

  else if (options & TAB_ROTATE || bb[H][1] != INT_MAX)
      const char *text = ds_cstr (&body);
      const char *decimal = text + strcspn (text, ".,");
      if (decimal[0]
          && c_isdigit (decimal[1])
          && (decimal == text || !c_isdigit (decimal[-1])))
          struct string tmp = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER;
          ds_extend (&tmp, ds_length (&body) + 16);
          markup_escape (&tmp, markup, text, decimal - text + 1);
          ds_put_unichar (&tmp, 0x2060 /* U+2060 WORD JOINER */);
          markup_escape (&tmp, markup, decimal + 1, -1);
          ds_swap (&tmp, &body);
          ds_destroy (&tmp);

I guess that, if you're using an old Windows build, maybe there was a
bug in PSPPIRE
that has been fixed since then (since I've done a *lot* of work on the
output engine
since October) but you haven't gotten the fix because there haven't
been any Windows
builds since then.

For Windows support, we really need a Windows developer.

On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 10:42 AM Ben Pfaff <> wrote:
> Hmm. A null byte. I will take a look at related code later today to see if I 
> can figure it out. It hasn't appeared for me (on GNU/Linux).
> On Sun, Mar 7, 2021 at 7:23 AM Alan Mead <> wrote:
>> Yes, if i blow up the screenshot, I think I see four zeros. I don't know of 
>> any way to copy that character or zoom the interface.
>> -Alan
>> On 3/6/2021 11:14 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
>> I cannot quite read the digits in those boxes. Are they 0000?
>> On Sat, Mar 6, 2021, 8:45 PM Alan Mead <> wrote:
>>> Also, FWIW, the Windows output contains a strange character (vertical tab?):
>>> On 3/6/2021 7:36 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
>>> How very odd!
>>> I do use the interactive mode occasionally, for testing.
>>> There are two different ways that interactive mode can work: with the
>>> "readline" library for command editing, or without it.  I tried both
>>> of these and couldn't reproduce it on GNU/Linux.
>>> More and more, we need a Windows developer, if Windows is going to be
>>> supported well.
>>> On Sat, Mar 6, 2021 at 5:22 PM Alan Mead <> wrote:
>>> If I've ever used the interactive mode of PSPP, I cannot recall. I think 
>>> it's broken (at least in windows). It reads the first character of each 
>>> command as a 'p':
>>> G:\projects\pspp>"C:\Program Files (x86)\PSPP\bin\pspp.exe"
>>> PSPP is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it
>>> under certain conditions; type "show copying." to see the conditions.
>>> There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for PSPP; type "show warranty." for details.
>>> GNU pspp 1.4.0-gc3c044
>>> PSPP> exit
>>> pxit
>>> error: Unknown command `pxit'.
>>> PSPP>
>>> PSPP> exit
>>> pxit
>>> error: Unknown command `pxit'.
>>> PSPP>
>>> ^C
>>> G:\projects\pspp>"C:\Program Files (x86)\PSPP\bin\pspp.exe"
>>> PSPP is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it
>>> under certain conditions; type "show copying." to see the conditions.
>>> There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for PSPP; type "show warranty." for details.
>>> GNU pspp 1.4.0-gc3c044
>>> PSPP> show license
>>> phow license
>>> error: Unknown command `phow'.
>>> PSPP>
>>> PSPP>  show license
>>> pshow license
>>> error: Unknown command `pshow'.
>>> PSPP>
>>> PSPP>
>>> --
>>> Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
>>> President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
>>> science + technology = better workers
>>> Ginsberg's Theorem:
>>> 0. There is a game.
>>> 1. You can't win.
>>> 2. You can't break even.
>>> 3. You can't even get out of the game.
>>> --
>>> Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
>>> President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
>>> science + technology = better workers
>>> The irony of this ... is that the Internet is
>>> both almost-infinitely expandable, while at the
>>> same time constrained within its own pre-defined
>>> box. And if that makes no sense to you, just
>>> reflect on the existence of Facebook. We have
>>> the vastness of the internet and yet billions
>>> of people decided to spend most of them time
>>> within a horribly designed, fake-news emporium
>>> of a website that sucks every possible piece of
>>> personal information out of you so it can sell it
>>> to others. And they see nothing wrong with that.
>>> -- Kieren McCarthy, commenting on why we are not
>>>                     all using IPv6
>> --
>> Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
>> President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
>> science + technology = better workers
>> The irony of this ... is that the Internet is
>> both almost-infinitely expandable, while at the
>> same time constrained within its own pre-defined
>> box. And if that makes no sense to you, just
>> reflect on the existence of Facebook. We have
>> the vastness of the internet and yet billions
>> of people decided to spend most of them time
>> within a horribly designed, fake-news emporium
>> of a website that sucks every possible piece of
>> personal information out of you so it can sell it
>> to others. And they see nothing wrong with that.
>> -- Kieren McCarthy, commenting on why we are not
>>                     all using IPv6

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