Hello Ben,
Thank you for treating the error. In fact, the ADD FILES command does
not run due to the error.
How can I send you the files ? They are publicly available Eurobarometer
survey files from GESIS in Cologne, Germany, from 18 to 27 MB.
On 20/10/2020 07:51, Ben Pfaff wrote:
Hmm. I am not sure whether PSPP actually looks at whether a file contains
string variables, or whether the syntax reads those variables, in considering
whether to complain about them.
Is there any chance that you could provide the files in question, or some
subset of them, either publicly or privately just to me? I would like
to fix this
bug, and it will be much easier if I have the files.
On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 2:14 PM ftr <analyses....@gmail.com> wrote:
I want to add cases to a file and get the 2 errors which I don't
understand. I think the first is maybe a SET LOCALE error - but I dn't
have any text variables - and the other error in the ADD FILES command
is really incomprehensible to me.
Any help appreciated.
GET FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 90_2.sav"
/FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 90_1.sav"
*attention: Combinaison de fichiers contenant des encodages
incompatibles. Les**
**données chaînes ne peuvent être représentées correctement.*
/KEEP=country, SURVEY W1 D10 D11 gen1 to gen6 D7 D8 D15a_r2
D63 D60 p7
D25 P6 NETUSE d79 d70 OPLS
C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\data aggregation expectations.10-13:
ADD FILES: Erreur de syntaxe dans « FILE ».
/FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 89_3.sav"
/KEEP=country, isocntry SURVEY W1 D10 D11 gen1 to gen6 D7 D8
D63 D60 p7 D25 P6 NETUSE d79 d70 OPLS
/FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 89_2.sav"
/KEEP=country, SURVEY W1 D10 D11 gen1 to gen6 D7 D8 D15a_r2 D63
D60 p7
D25 P6 NETUSE d79 d70 OPLS
/FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 88_4.sav"
/KEEP=country, SURVEY W1 D10 D11 gen1 to gen6 D7 D8 D15a_r2 D63
D60 p7
D25 P6 NETUSE d79 d70 OPLS
/FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 88_1.sav"
/KEEP=country, SURVEY W1 D10 D11 gen1 to gen6 D7 D8 D15a_r2 D63
D60 p7
D25 P6 NETUSE d79 d70 OPLS
SAVE OUTFILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 88-90.sav".
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