
I want to add cases to a file and get the 2 errors which I don't understand. I think the first is maybe a SET LOCALE error - but I dn't have any text variables - and the other error in the ADD FILES command is really incomprehensible to me.

Any help appreciated.



GET FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 90_2.sav"

        /FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 90_1.sav"

*attention: Combinaison de fichiers contenant des encodages incompatibles. Les**
**données chaînes ne peuvent être représentées correctement.*

        /KEEP=country,  SURVEY W1 D10 D11 gen1 to gen6 D7 D8 D15a_r2 D63 D60 p7
D25 P6 NETUSE d79 d70 OPLS

C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\data aggregation expectations.10-13: erreur:
ADD FILES: Erreur de syntaxe dans « FILE ».

        /FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 89_3.sav"
        /KEEP=country, isocntry SURVEY W1 D10 D11 gen1 to gen6 D7 D8 D15a_r2
D63 D60 p7 D25 P6 NETUSE d79 d70 OPLS
       /FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 89_2.sav"
       /KEEP=country,  SURVEY W1 D10 D11 gen1 to gen6 D7 D8 D15a_r2 D63 D60 p7
D25 P6 NETUSE d79 d70 OPLS
       /FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 88_4.sav"
       /KEEP=country,  SURVEY W1 D10 D11 gen1 to gen6 D7 D8 D15a_r2 D63 D60 p7
D25 P6 NETUSE d79 d70 OPLS
       /FILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 88_1.sav"
      /KEEP=country,  SURVEY W1 D10 D11 gen1 to gen6 D7 D8 D15a_r2 D63 D60 p7
D25 P6 NETUSE d79 d70 OPLS

SAVE OUTFILE="C:\Users\Franck\Documents\data\EB\aggregate\EB 88-90.sav".

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