As far as I remember the 64Bit Version does not work on Windows 7. Could you 
try the 32 Bit version?


> Am 16.10.2020 um 17:03 schrieb ftr <>:
> Hi,
> I use Windows 7 Professional and installed the 64 bit version.
> Regards
> ftr
> On 15/10/2020 17:24, Friedrich Beckmann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> can you say which version of Windows and which version of pspp (32Bit or 
>> 64Bit) you use?
>> Regards
>> Friedrich
>>> Am 13.10.2020 um 20:13 schrieb ftr <>:
>>> Hin,
>>> I installed PSPP dated 26 sep 2020 on Windows and immediately get the
>>> error message which stops the prog starting.
>>> Entry point not found
>>> The entry point of the ScriptIsComplex procedure can not be found in the
>>> dynamic link library GDI32.dll .- this is a translation from the French
>>> message error -
>>> I uninstalled all rests of PSPP previous versions so this is a fresh
>>> install.
>>> Any help appreciated.
>>> Regards,
>>> ftr
>>> --
>>> L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le 
>>> logiciel antivirus Avast.
> -- 
> L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le 
> logiciel antivirus Avast.

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