I am pretty sure there is something wrong with the pspp version I got. I made a simple csv file here, called "testing.csv" https://sites.google.com/site/gsocialchange/datasets I followed these steps on the pspp gui, and got a data set, but see the problems below file import data click on "testing.csv" buttons on lower right are "reset", "next", "cancel" click on next upper left shows "Select the lines to import" "Select file to import" lower right shows "reset", "next", "back", "finish" and "cancel" click on next upper left shows "Select the first line" "Select file to import" click on next upper left shows "choose separators" "Select file to import" now lower right only shows "reset", "next", "back" and "cancel" upper left shows "adjust variable formats" "Select file to import" lower right had "finish" click finish data set is read in, but: variable names disappeared there is an extra first and last line At each step where the upper left showed that I was -supposed- to be able to do something, there was no opportunity to do so, nothing appeared which would allow me to select, choose, adjust, or anything. This seems to be a really simple csv data set, and it didn't work, so I can only conclude this version of pspp isn't working, for the windows set up I have. Again, I think it's windows 10, on a 64 bit laptop, and I downloaded pspp a couple of days ago from here https://sourceforge.net/projects/pspp4windows/ Would I tell these problems to the people there? Thanks Gene -----Original Message----- From: ftr public <public....@free.fr> To: pspp-users <pspp-users@gnu.org> Sent: Mon, Jan 1, 2018 3:42 pm Subject: Re: reading csv data set Hi Gene, I tried another way: I downloaded the csv file and directly opened it in Libreoffice, without saving it, see the attached screen capture. The LO interface is in French, but the buttons should be at the same place in all of the different language-versions of LO. And then you can open the ods file via the GET DATA command. I have no syntax for the csv file. Did you look into the PSPP manual p.86- ? Regards -ftr On 31/12/2017 15:15, someone wrote: Could I ask what syntax you used to read my csv data set? Thanks again for all your feedback Gene -----Original Message----- From: someone <maffyd...@aol.com> To: public.ftr <public....@free.fr>; pspp-users <pspp-users@gnu.org> Sent: Sat, Dec 30, 2017 7:35 pm Subject: reading csv data set Thanks. I'm not really clear on what you mean. "integrating several field delimiter into a single one" "Only when you stop the last functionality the importation went as expected." Can you please explain or give example? Thanks for your help. Gene -----Original Message----- From: ftr public <public....@free.fr> To: someone <maffyd...@aol.com>; pspp-users <pspp-users@gnu.org> Sent: Sat, Dec 30, 2017 4:09 pm Subject: Re: reading csv data set Hi, I imported the ods data file with the following syntax: GET DATA /TYPE=ODS /FILE="(file path)\pd_data_cia.ods" /READNAMES=ON. and it worked. I also imported the csv file into Libreoffice Calc to see the data. When using the comma as a field delimiter I realised that the function of integrating several field delimiter into a single one made that the imported data and the column headers did not fit : there were too few data columns. Only when you stop the last functionality the importation went as expected. Thanks for the idea of a direct importation of ods files into PSPP of which I was unaware. - ftr On 30/12/2017 18:49, someone wrote: Hi Thanks for the response. I imported the ods file through the gui interface. That is, file import data went to my directory, clicked on the ods data set next got the screen importing spreadsheet data next apply I did notice that, when I read the ods file, pspp, in the output viewer, showed this get data /type=ods /file="C:\Users\Owner\Documents\icaap\data\testdata\PD_data_cia.ods" /sheet=index 1 /readnames=on /cellrange=range "a1:al236". So to try to read the csv file, I tried this get data / type=txt / file="C:\Users\Owner\Documents\icaap\data\testdata\PD_data_cia.csv" / arrangement=delimited / firstcase=2 / delimiters=",". now, only one error: .19: error: Syntax error at end of command: expecting '/'. Does that help? Thanks Gene -----Original Message----- From: ftr public <public....@free.fr> To: pspp-users <pspp-users@gnu.org> Sent: Sat, Dec 30, 2017 10:05 am Subject: Re: reading csv data set Hi Gene, I also tried to import the csv data file and got into difficulties. How did you import the ods file ? Can you send the syntax ? What is funny is that the country data set has no case, i.e. country, names. Regards, ftr On 30/12/2017 01:00, someone wrote: Hi all I'm trying to read in a data set, in csv. I also have xls and ods versions, all here https://sites.google.com/site/gsocialchange/datasets All the files I'm looking at are versions of the pd_data_cia data set. I -have- imported the ods version, but when I try to import the csv version, I just get blank. I go to file, import data, go to my directory, and all the files are listed. I click on pd_data_cia.cvs, and then on the upper left of the screen, where it says select file to import, I cannot select any of the options. I am using pspp version 1.0.1-g818227, downloaded a couple of days ago from here https://sourceforge.net/projects/pspp4windows/ I'm on windows, 64 bit operating system, I think windows 10. I also tried using the command line, and, well, not doing it right, perhaps someone can help? These are the lines I tried get data / type=txt / file=’C:\Users\Owner\Documents\icaap\data\testdata\PD_data_cia.csv’ / arrangement=delimited / firstcase=2 / delimiters="," Thanks Gene Shackman _______________________________________________ Pspp-users mailing list Pspp-users@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/pspp-users _______________________________________________ Pspp-users mailing list Pspp-users@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/pspp-users
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