Hi Helen,

on macports the gui version „psppire“ can be started from the user applications 


As an alternative, you can start it from the terminal as John indicated. But for
the gui version you need an additional XServer. Plus the Xserver has to start
when you launch the gui version „psppire“.

Please make sure that you have installed an Xserver. You can take one
from macports „xorg-server“ or the XQuartz server (See: https://www.xquartz.org)

Check here also: 

if the XServer does not start automagically.

So type the following in the terminal, assuming that you have not installed the 
XQuartz Server.

sudo port install xorg-server
launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.macports.startx.plist

Then logout and login again

Then type in the terminal



> Am 22.06.2016 um 07:15 schrieb John Darrington <j...@darrington.wattle.id.au>:
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 11:48:41AM +0900, tulipmm5vforeverby...@yahoo.co.jp 
> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I just installed pspp using macports, and i have trouble figuring out how 
> to start pspp. Any helps would be appreciated.
>     ps. my knowledge related to computer is really limited, it would be nice 
> if you can explain this in simple words :)
>     Helen
> It is a long time since I have used a mac, but if I remember correctly, it 
> worked there
> the same way as on any other system.
> To start pspp one types "pspp".  Alternatively if psppire is desired (pspp's 
> graphical user interface)
> one types "psppire".
> Are these words simple enough? :)
> J'
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