On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 03:45:06PM -0500, Mark Hancock wrote:

     If the intention is to communicate that versions with odd numbers (e.g.,
     0.9.x) are pre-release and versions with even numbers (e.g., 0.8.x or
     0.10.x) are stable, then why isn't that described clearly on the Download
     page? Currently these are in a table with no indication of this other than
     the number.

     If the intention is to communicate that Windows versions are not officially
     supported and that Windows users are a low priority, then why not have a
     landing page for the Windows version (currently labelled "installers") that
     provides this information more clearly?

There are two problems with what you are suggesting:

1.  The kind of people who complain that PSPP is terrible software and never 
properly are also the kind of people who don't read instructions.

2.  In fact we DO very clearly state on the download page that the only 
versions are those obtained from ftp.gnu.org - all others one should use with 
However if somebody lands on a third party site instead of ours, then they 
won't ever
see that message.



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