On 2/7/2016 8:23 AM, John Darrington wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 07, 2016 at 12:50:58PM +0100, ftr wrote:
>      Thank you for the clarification. It did not know these details.
> pspp.awardspace.com and sourceforge.net/pspp4windows are not controlled
> by the PSPP developers.   Those have been set up by Harry Thijssen 
> (who is normally active on this list) as a service to those who find
> it useful.  (Harry, maybe you could consider ftr's suggestions?)
>      So, where do you get a real production version ?
> ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/pspp

So, unless you can compile PSPP yourself, there is no "official" PSPP

And, oh, BTW, no one knows how to compile PSPP on Windows -- because of
dependencies like GSL, and because of differences in the GNU-based build
system used by PSPP versus something like MS Visual Studio, it would
take more than the usual wizardry to do so. Harry cross-compiles Windows
binaries from Linux.

ftr: About your other problems, I'm running 0.9.0-g3a3d58 and I have no
such issues (no long install, no long wait for frequencies output).  So
I suggest that you uninstall the snapshot that you are using and try
0.9.0-g3a3d58. If you continue to have the same difficulties, it's
probably something about your computer. If not, it's probably something
about that release that you can submit as a bug.



Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
President, Talent Algorithms Inc.

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I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe...
functions on fire in a copy of Orion.
I watched C-Sharp glitter in the dark near a programmable gate.
All those moments will be lost in time, like Ruby... on... Rails... Time for Pi.

          --"The Register" user Alister, applying the famous 
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