On Sun, Feb 07, 2016 at 12:50:58PM +0100, ftr wrote:
     Thank you for the clarification. It did not know these details.
     When you search for PSPP for Windows the first result that pops
     up is for  pspp.awardspace.com and is version 0.9.0-g745ee3.
     - This is the one that took half a day to install here - .
     There is a warning in the first line of the site that the version
     0.9.0 is not fully tested, but a little later on the site states:
     There are no known issues with this release.
     Maybe a more cautionary phrase would help.
     When you look at the sourceforge the site
     lets you download a snapshot version:
     So the alternatives are either snapshot or snapshot ?

pspp.awardspace.com and sourceforge.net/pspp4windows are not controlled
by the PSPP developers.   Those have been set up by Harry Thijssen 
(who is normally active on this list) as a service to those who find
it useful.  (Harry, maybe you could consider ftr's suggestions?)

     So, where do you get a real production version ?

     BTW: The snapshot version produced frequencies, but not always.
     And when you are waiting for the result the window remains blank.
     The user doesn't whether pspp works or crashed.

The qog_std_cs_jan16.sav  dataset which you posted earlier contains only:

 -   Numerical (scale) variables.
 -   Variables which are unique for each case.
 -   Variables which have only one value for the entire dataset.  

As such, I cannot see that there is any FREQUENCIES command which would
produce interesting results.  

Nethertheless, like you say, it does seem to take an extraordinarily long time 
to run, and I wouldn't have expected it on a dataset of that size.   I also
tried the same exercise with version 0.8.5 (the most recently released version)
and it seemed somewhat quicker.  So maybe this is a problem that we need to 
     I am not a programmer but if there could be a line in this case
     that tells "prog is working" or better "case no xxx being
     treated" this would be reassuring.

You are right. This would be better.  In fact there is an outstanding
wishlist item for this:  https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?40065


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