
My suggestion would be that the students sign up for this emailing list
and tell us what trouble they are having first-hand or that you get the
required information and relay it to this list. Those are the avenues
that are mostly likely to get the issue resolved.

I don't know anything about OS X but with Windows, the problems most
people face are finding the download site or selecting the correct
download.  Maybe those issues generalize to this case?


Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 10:25:22 -0500 
Subject: Re: windows 10 
From: jklau...@googlemail.com 
To: charlesjohns...@outlook.com 
I have heard from some students struggling to download with using OS X  
El Capitan. Do you have any suggestions? 


Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
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