
The best supported platform for PSPP is GNU/Linux, but the ports to OS X and 
Windows work well too.

I have a computer with Windows 10 and 64 bit pspp works well. If you want to 
help your students, you need to be methodical I identify what kind of problems 
they have in that OS and version of PSPP are using.

More information will be easier to help you with your problem.


> From: jklau...@googlemail.com
> Subject: windows 10
> Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 15:41:00 -0500
> To: pspp-users@gnu.org
> Hello there,
> I am using PSPP for my stats and research classes. I love that it is more 
> user-friendly than R and free.
> I have had several times where students who use a newer mac have had 
> difficulties with the downloading and also students with windows 10.
> Can you help me help them?
> Thanks,
> Dr. Klausli
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