
Does a PSPP user have to manually install GTK3 - and if so, how - or is
this part of some procedure ?


On 07/07/2015 22:59, Harry Thijssen wrote:
>     I found an error after the 6/21 version came out and someone fixed
>     it, but the latest Awardspace version is the same. How often are
>     fixes pushed to Awardspace?
> Hi
> There is no schedule when a new MSWindows package is build. In average
> I do this about every month.
> The problem here is that right after the 21 juni build, PSPP is
> changed so it now uses GTK3. As user you might not see much difference
> if any at all, but technically it is a big difference. The fix is in
> this GTK3 version. But this version is still in development/testing.
> You might try
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/pspp4windows/files/2015-06-24-DoNotUse/
> As far as I know yet this version is at least as good as the version
> you have and I think it includes the fix you mentioned.
> Maybe I will generate a new version these days. It will still have a
> name as ForTestingOnly but that doesn't mean it is a buggy version.
> It is just that the developers are stiil busy changing to GTK3.
> Have fun
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