> I found an error after the 6/21 version came out and someone fixed it, but
> the latest Awardspace version is the same. How often are fixes pushed to
> Awardspace?


There is no schedule when a new MSWindows package is build. In average I do
this about every month.

The problem here is that right after the 21 juni build, PSPP is changed so
it now uses GTK3. As user you might not see much difference if any at all,
but technically it is a big difference. The fix is in this GTK3 version.
But this version is still in development/testing.
You might try
As far as I know yet this version is at least as good as the version you
have and I think it includes the fix you mentioned.
Maybe I will generate a new version these days. It will still have a name
as ForTestingOnly but that doesn't mean it is a buggy version.
It is just that the developers are stiil busy changing to GTK3.

Have fun
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