Oh, this looks promising. Thanks you.
Now what is left is this syntax snipping:
/// Begin example, save as piechart.input
How do you save a diagram in PSPP with such a format ??
I hope I'll have fun.
- ftr
On 18/12/2014 13:48, Harry Thijssen wrote:
Now run pspp from a Linux shell (or Mac OS):
Does this mean that I have run install a linux shell in windows ?
No, you can run it as a command in a MSDos-shell/command
prompt/terminal or whatever you call it. It is just that you have to
give the full path for PSPP.exe as it is not part of the "path".
Most likely it is:
"c:\program files\pspp\bin\pspp" -O format=svg piechart.input
"c:\program files <x86>\pspp\bin\pspp.exe" -O format=svg piechart.input
If you plan to do this more than once you better add the directory
containing pspp.exe to the envrionment path. Google can tell you how
to do that on your MSWindows version.
Have fun
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