It should work in exactly the same way for all operating systems. J'
On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 01:42:19PM +0100, ftr wrote: Thanks for the hint ! How can you achieve this under Windows ? - ftr On 07/12/2014 15:11, Daniel Schlieper wrote: >Hi, > >you coud use the option "-O format=svg" in combination with a >pspp script. Save your data as a sav-file (e. g., save.sav) > >Then write a scirpt, for example: > >/// Begin example, save as piechart.input > >get file=save.sav. >freq /variables=height /piechart /statistics=all. > >/// End example > >Now run pspp from a Linux shell (or Mac OS): > >$ pspp -O format=svg piechart.input > >the output is a piechart in svg-format, which is easy to >polish. Use inkscape or other software. > >Best regards, Daniel > >-- >Daniel Schlieper email: > > >On Sat, 6 Dec 2014, ftr wrote: > >>Hi, >> >>Is there any way to treat the graph output ? The current >>graphs are helpful for analysis - and this is already really >>helpful - but you can't publish them. >>I would like to change scales, titles, the numbering format. >>Do you do this, and if so, how ? >> >>Regards, >>ftr >> >>_______________________________________________ >>Pspp-users mailing list >> >> >> > _______________________________________________ Pspp-users mailing list -- PGP Public key ID: 1024D/2DE827B3 fingerprint = 8797 A26D 0854 2EAB 0285 A290 8A67 719C 2DE8 27B3 See or any PGP keyserver for public key.
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