On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 08:32:56AM -0700, Ben Pfaff wrote:
     On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 07:54:46AM -0500, Barth Riley wrote:
     > I realize this is a very basic question. I am trying to install the
     > latest version of PSPP from the GNU site. After downloading the file
     > (from various sources,--GNU, GNU mirror and FTP) I double clicked on
     > the .tar.gz file and I receive an error message that the command
     > line is invalid...? I also receive this message when I try to open
     > the file from the 7 Zip application. Has anyone on the list
     > encountered this problem? Any suggestions for a workaround?
     It sounds like you think that the source code is a binary that you can
     run.  It is not.
     If you want a binary that you can run, please download one for your
     operating system:
On the other hand, if you really did want to build from the source tarball, 
there are step by step instructions located in the INSTALL file: See 

These instructions, and those on the web site, are intended to be simple to
follow.  So if you find they are not please report it as a bug.


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