Does the "batch syntax" mean that pspp can run production jobs like SPSS?
On Jul 23, 2013, at 1:47 AM, Ben Pfaff <> wrote: > I'm very pleased to announce the release of GNU PSPP 0.8.0. We > hope to make releases more frequently in the future. > > Here are the compressed sources and a GPG detached signature[*]: > > > > Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth: > > > [*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the > .sig suffix) is intact. First, be sure to download both the .sig file > and the corresponding tarball. Then, run a command like this: > > gpg --verify pspp-0.8.0.tar.gz.sig > > If that command fails because you don't have the required public key, > then run this command to import it: > > gpg --keyserver --recv-keys C6648E90 > > and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command. > > This release was bootstrapped with the following tools: > Autoconf 2.69 > Automake 1.11.6 > Gnulib v0.0-7852-g408cb57 > > NEWS > > Changes from 0.6.2 to 0.8.0: > > * New commands: > > - ADD FILES > - CORRELATIONS > - DATAFILE ATTRIBUTES > - DATASET ACTIVATE > - DATASET CLOSE > - DATASET COPY > - DATASET DECLARE > - DATASET DISPLAY > - DATASET NAME > - LOGISTIC REGRESSION > - MATCH FILES > - MEANS > - MRSETS > - PRESERVE and RESTORE > - QUICK CLUSTER > - RELIABILITY > - ROC > - SAVE TRANSLATE to CSV and tab-delimited files > - UPDATE > - VARIABLE ATTRIBUTES > > * Changes to existing commands: > > - AUTORECODE has a new GROUP subcommand. > > - CROSSTABS has been re-implemented to fix numerous bugs. > > - EXAMINE: /MISSING=LISTWISE is now the default. > > - DO REPEAT command has been reimplemented. Now, when DO REPEAT > contains an INCLUDE or INSERT command, substitutions are not > applied to the included file. > > - FILE HANDLE has a new ENDS subcommand to select CR or CRLF new-lines. > > - HOST has been updated to use more modern syntax. > > - Most commands that work with data files now support a new > ENCODING subcommand. > > - MISSING VALUES can now assign missing values to long string > variables. > > - ONEWAY: the POSTHOC subcommand is now implemented. > > - The following new subcommands to NPAR TESTS have been implemented: > COCHRAN, FRIEDMAN, JONCKHEERE-TERPSTRA, KENDALL, KRUSKAL-WALLIS, > MANN-WHITNEY, > MCNEMAR, SIGN, WILCOXON, and RUNS > > - SET and SHOW no longer have ENDCMD, NULLINE, PROMPT, CPROMPT, and > DPROMPT subcommands. The defaults are now fixed values. > > - SHOW now has a JOURNAL subcommand, to show the location of the > journal file. > > - VALUE LABELS can now assign value labels to long string > variables. > > * Other language changes: > > - The new DATASET commands replace the "scratch file" PSPP > extension, which is no longer supported. > > - Strings may now include arbitrary Unicode code points specified > in hexadecimal, using the syntax U'hhhh'. For example, Unicode > code point U+1D11E, the musical G clef character, may be > expressed as U'1D11E'. > > See the "Tokens" section in the PSPP manual for more information. > > - In previous versions of PSPP, in a string expressed in > hexadecimal with X'hh' syntax, the hexadecimal digits expressed > bytes in the locale encoding. In this version of PSPP, X'hh' > syntax always expresses bytes in UTF-8 encoding. > > See the "Tokens" section in the PSPP manual for more information. > > * PSPPIRE graphical user interface improvements: > > - Added support for non-ASCII characters in strings, labels and > variable names. > > - A "Split Window" function is available, which makes it easier to > see different parts of a large data file. > > - Data files can now be opened by specifing their name as the first > argument. This means that on a properly configured desktop, double > clicking on an icon will open the file. > > - Foreign formats, such as Gnumeric, OpenDocument and CSV can be imported > via using an "intelligent" application assistant dialog. > > * Output changes: > > - The new "cairo" output driver supports output in PostScript, PDF, > and SVG formats. Its functionality is a superset of that of the > "postscript" driver, which has been removed. You must have Cairo > and Pango installed to build the "cairo" driver. > > - Charts are now produced with Cairo and Pango, instead of libplot. > Without them, the new graphing features will not work. If you do > not have Cairo and Pango installed, you must run `configure' with > --without-cairo. > > - The plain text output driver now properly supports multibyte UTF-8 > characters, including double-width characters and combining > accents. > > - Output to OpenDocument format is now supported. > > - The HTML output is much improved. > > * The "pspp" program has a new option --batch (or -b) that selects > "batch" syntax mode. In previous versions of PSPP this syntax mode > was the default. Now a new "auto" syntax mode is the default. In > "auto" mode, PSPP interprets most syntax files correctly regardless > of their intended syntax mode. > > See the "Syntax Variants" section in the PSPP manual for more > information. > > * The "pspp" program has a new option --syntax-encoding that > specifies the encoding for syntax files listed on the command line, > as well as the default encoding for syntax files included with > INCLUDE or INSERT. The default is to accept the system locale > encoding, UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32, automatically detecting which > one the system file uses. > > See the documentation for the INSERT command in the PSPP manual for > more information. > > * Text data files that PRINT and WRITE creates now use the system > native line ends by default (CRLF on Windows, LF only elsewhere). > Use the new ENDS subcommand on FILE HANDLE to override the default. > > * A new Perl module allows Perl programs to read and write PSPP > system files. > > * A tutorial chapter has been added to the user manual. > _______________________________________________ > Pspp-users mailing list > > _______________________________________________ Pspp-users mailing list