I'm very pleased to announce the release of GNU PSPP 0.8.0. We hope to make releases more frequently in the future.
Here are the compressed sources and a GPG detached signature[*]: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/pspp/pspp-0.8.0.tar.gz ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/pspp/pspp-0.8.0.tar.gz.sig Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth: http://www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html [*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the .sig suffix) is intact. First, be sure to download both the .sig file and the corresponding tarball. Then, run a command like this: gpg --verify pspp-0.8.0.tar.gz.sig If that command fails because you don't have the required public key, then run this command to import it: gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys C6648E90 and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command. This release was bootstrapped with the following tools: Autoconf 2.69 Automake 1.11.6 Gnulib v0.0-7852-g408cb57 NEWS Changes from 0.6.2 to 0.8.0: * New commands: - ADD FILES - CORRELATIONS - DATAFILE ATTRIBUTES - DATASET ACTIVATE - DATASET CLOSE - DATASET COPY - DATASET DECLARE - DATASET DISPLAY - DATASET NAME - LOGISTIC REGRESSION - MATCH FILES - MEANS - MRSETS - PRESERVE and RESTORE - QUICK CLUSTER - RELIABILITY - ROC - SAVE TRANSLATE to CSV and tab-delimited files - UPDATE - VARIABLE ATTRIBUTES * Changes to existing commands: - AUTORECODE has a new GROUP subcommand. - CROSSTABS has been re-implemented to fix numerous bugs. - EXAMINE: /MISSING=LISTWISE is now the default. - DO REPEAT command has been reimplemented. Now, when DO REPEAT contains an INCLUDE or INSERT command, substitutions are not applied to the included file. - FILE HANDLE has a new ENDS subcommand to select CR or CRLF new-lines. - HOST has been updated to use more modern syntax. - Most commands that work with data files now support a new ENCODING subcommand. - MISSING VALUES can now assign missing values to long string variables. - ONEWAY: the POSTHOC subcommand is now implemented. - The following new subcommands to NPAR TESTS have been implemented: COCHRAN, FRIEDMAN, JONCKHEERE-TERPSTRA, KENDALL, KRUSKAL-WALLIS, MANN-WHITNEY, MCNEMAR, SIGN, WILCOXON, and RUNS - SET and SHOW no longer have ENDCMD, NULLINE, PROMPT, CPROMPT, and DPROMPT subcommands. The defaults are now fixed values. - SHOW now has a JOURNAL subcommand, to show the location of the journal file. - VALUE LABELS can now assign value labels to long string variables. * Other language changes: - The new DATASET commands replace the "scratch file" PSPP extension, which is no longer supported. - Strings may now include arbitrary Unicode code points specified in hexadecimal, using the syntax U'hhhh'. For example, Unicode code point U+1D11E, the musical G clef character, may be expressed as U'1D11E'. See the "Tokens" section in the PSPP manual for more information. - In previous versions of PSPP, in a string expressed in hexadecimal with X'hh' syntax, the hexadecimal digits expressed bytes in the locale encoding. In this version of PSPP, X'hh' syntax always expresses bytes in UTF-8 encoding. See the "Tokens" section in the PSPP manual for more information. * PSPPIRE graphical user interface improvements: - Added support for non-ASCII characters in strings, labels and variable names. - A "Split Window" function is available, which makes it easier to see different parts of a large data file. - Data files can now be opened by specifing their name as the first argument. This means that on a properly configured desktop, double clicking on an icon will open the file. - Foreign formats, such as Gnumeric, OpenDocument and CSV can be imported via using an "intelligent" application assistant dialog. * Output changes: - The new "cairo" output driver supports output in PostScript, PDF, and SVG formats. Its functionality is a superset of that of the "postscript" driver, which has been removed. You must have Cairo and Pango installed to build the "cairo" driver. - Charts are now produced with Cairo and Pango, instead of libplot. Without them, the new graphing features will not work. If you do not have Cairo and Pango installed, you must run `configure' with --without-cairo. - The plain text output driver now properly supports multibyte UTF-8 characters, including double-width characters and combining accents. - Output to OpenDocument format is now supported. - The HTML output is much improved. * The "pspp" program has a new option --batch (or -b) that selects "batch" syntax mode. In previous versions of PSPP this syntax mode was the default. Now a new "auto" syntax mode is the default. In "auto" mode, PSPP interprets most syntax files correctly regardless of their intended syntax mode. See the "Syntax Variants" section in the PSPP manual for more information. * The "pspp" program has a new option --syntax-encoding that specifies the encoding for syntax files listed on the command line, as well as the default encoding for syntax files included with INCLUDE or INSERT. The default is to accept the system locale encoding, UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32, automatically detecting which one the system file uses. See the documentation for the INSERT command in the PSPP manual for more information. * Text data files that PRINT and WRITE creates now use the system native line ends by default (CRLF on Windows, LF only elsewhere). Use the new ENDS subcommand on FILE HANDLE to override the default. * A new Perl module allows Perl programs to read and write PSPP system files. * A tutorial chapter has been added to the user manual.
Description: PGP signature
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