> I'm honestly shocked that no one else has mentioned correlations in this
> thread... Is there a build switch that does enable some naive implementation
> of correlations?  Or they've been implemented and I missed it?  [I've got to
> be honest, I don't bother installing new versions because until basic
> descriptive stats are implemented (like the ability to generate the
> correlation matrix of variables that would be submitted to GLM or Factor)
> PSPP is simply unusable.]
> Also, Reliabilities ('Analyze > Scale > Reliabilities') would also be useful
> for me.
I have 0.7.2 and it has
analyse/linear regression
I tested it just now and it gives r-squared. Take the square root and
use the sign of the slope -- voila, Pearson r.

As for reliability...
Isn't that just Pearson r?
If so, see above.


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