Don't forget that you're always welcome to download the latest development 
version - just bear in mind it hasn't been thoroughly tested.  If you just want
to know the major changes between the released version and the development 
you can take a look at the NEWS file.  See:

Additional features which *may* be in the next release include:

* Full UTF8 support.
* An improved output system.
* Cut/Paste/Export to/from and Koffice.
* The GRAPH command.
* The FACTOR command.
* The GLM command.


On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 10:18:49AM +0100, Metin Ozdemir wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I am considering adopting a free statistics software in my research  
> method course.  PSPP is the best candidate right now because of its easy  
> to use interface compared to syntax based programs such as R, and  
> similarity with SPSS.  But, the current version doesn't include much  
> needed analyses yet, which makes it difficult to use it for  
> instructional purposes other than data management and some basic  
> statistical analyses.
> Is there any anticipated time frame for the release of next version of  
> PSPP, and what new analytical tools will be added?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Metin ?zdemir, Ph.D.
> Postdoctoral Researcher
> Center for Developmental Research
> School of Law, Psychology and Social Work
> ?rebro University
> 701 82 ?rebro
> e-mail:
> Phone: +46 19 30 12 46
> Fax:   +46 19 30 34 84
> _______________________________________________
> Pspp-users mailing list

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