On Tue, May 02, 2023 at 04:45:13PM +0200, Kolusion K via Postfix-users wrote:

> Hang on a second... my Postfix is using a network interface that is
> not the one set with the inet_interfaces parameter. So, my experience
> is true- the inet_interfaces parameter has no effect.

No, it has exactly the documented effects, perhaps different from your
naïve expectations for your particular use case.  This is not the forum
to seek "validation", the most you can expect from this list is
technical help to configure Postfix to meet your stated requirements.

    - The IPv4 addresses listed in inet_interfaces have no effect on
      the choice of outbound IPv6 address when IPv6 is enabled.

    - When inet_interfaces list no IPv4 addresses other than loopback
      addresses, or lists multiple non-loopback IPv4 addresses, then
      inet_interfaces also has no effect on the choice of outbound IPv4

- To be sure that a particular IPv4 or IPv6 source address is used,
  configure an explicit "smtp_bind_address" or "smtp_bind_address6".
- To be sure that IPv6 is not used, set "inet_protocols = ipv4".
- To be sure that IPv4 is not used, set "inet_protocols = ipv6".

- If you have just one IPv4 address suitable for both sending and
  receiving mail, set it as the only IPv4 address in inet_interfaces.
  You then don't need an explicit "smtp_bind_address", though an
  explicit setting may be sensible in some cases.
- If you have just one IPv6 address suitable for both sending and
  receiving mail, set it as the only IPv6 address in inet_interfaces.
  You then don't need an explicit "smtp_bind_address6", though an
  explicit setting may be sensible in some cases.
- In either case disable any protocol that is not at all suitable for
  receiving or sending email.

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