Nuno Pereira via Postfix-users:
> My best guess for now is that the virtuals are messing around with notify. Is
> there any way to put it marking the virtual destination as the final
> destination, even not being so?

I have demonstrated that Postfix will send "success" notification
after virtual alias expansion of a recipient that has a notify=success

You are using MailScanner which has at least one problem with
propagating DSN notify requests. For example:

    Postfix -milter-protocol-> MailScaner -qmqp-protocol-> Postfix

If you can't run Postfix without MailScanner the you will have to
demonstrate that:

- MailScanner generates a message with a recipient that has a
notify=success property.

- Postfix delivers that message without creating a sender notification
after virtual alias expansion of that recipient.

- MailScanner does not drop the sender noticiation.

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