

We have a setup where postifix is configured to send all mails sent to domain
virtualdomain.com are virtual and sent to realdomain.com.

This is done with the following configuration:


virtual_alias_domains = virtualdomain.com

virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-email2email.cf

virtual_mailbox_domains = realdomain.com


The table referred at $virtual_alias_maps has an entry for "@virtualdomain.com"
with goto to "@realdomain.com". There's also other 1-to-1 and 1-to-many virtual


Emails are working properly, being sent and received correctly.

The problem is with DSN for success messages: they're not returned for emails
sent to @virtualdomain.com, but are for ones sent to @realdomain.com (which
aren't a virtual on it's own).


We have tried to figure out why this happens, but haven't found a solution until

It should be mentioned that failure notifications are sent from
@virtualdomain.com when it's the case.


Is this even possible?



Nuno Pereira


Viana do Castelo - Portugal

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